Call for fairness for all Asbestos victims
The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) are calling for all victims of asbestos related disease to be treated fairly.
At present sufferers of Mesothelioma are able to bring a claim for compensation as long as they can identify one of their negligent former employers.
However, victims of asbestos related lung cancer must be able to find all the former employers and insurers who negligently exposed them to the asbestos in order to receive full compensation.
This is an unfair disparity between innocent victims both facing a diagnosis of a terminal disease and who should not be faced with the additional stress of having to trace their former employers or the worry of their family’s financial future if not fully compensated.
At Gotelee we often act for clients or their families who have been diagnosed with incurable asbestos related disease. There is no logical reason for the distinction between Mesothelioma and lung cancer sufferers. We fully support APIL’s calls for a change to UK law to allow asbestos related lung cancer sufferers to receive full compensation in the same way as Mesothelioma sufferers.
If you or a member of your family has been diagnosed with an asbestos related condition we can provide advice. We offer an initial free interview and can usually act under a “no win no fee” agreement.